As I’ve worked with clients at different stages of recovery, I’ve noticed their history of substance abuse is not linear. There is a cycle of addiction with several repeating events. For example, start drinking, partying, more partying, fighting with friends, DUI, lose job, stop drinking, start drinking, etc. It goes around and around until they overdose or- hopefully- break the cycle. Because the goal is to break the cycle of addiction, your group members have to identify the parts of their addiction cycle to break it. Here is how to facilitate the cycle of addiction group activity:
- Flip Chart/White Board
- Markers
Cycle of Addiction Group Activity:
Draw a large spiral on the flip chart. Write now in the center of the spiral and 1st use on the outer rim of the spiral. The spiral represents the repetitive nature of addiction and the twists and turns that happen from first use to now.
Ask members to describe some of the events that occurred between their first use and now. Members may share stories (The first time I did this activity; I got blank stares). After member list behaviors/events (or not), draw a straight arrow between first use and ask members: “Who used a substance for the first time and came here?” It is unlikely that a group member would say this happened to them. Explain that there are usually several events that happen repeatedly between first use and getting referred for group counseling.Write those different events/behaviors on the spiral as group members share. When the cycle of addiction fills up, draw an arrow outside of the spiral and ask members about breaking the cycle of addiction.
Additional Questions:
What was your first experience with your substance of choice?
Why did you keep using after that?
What’s the hardest behavior to stop in the cycle?
How do you break the cycle?
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