I guess these Disney foot care tips will work at any theme park, but I like to think this magical routine works best at the most Magical Place on Earth.
Disney Foot Care Regimen
I’ve broken this regimen down into preventive steps, in park interventions, and emergency care. Before we start, there are four items that you will need to pack before your Disney vacation. These are my Disney foot care essentials- all of these products are miracle workers, and I use them throughout the year.
Repeat after me:
All of these products are listed in my Amazon store. Click here to add all of them to your cart and support this blog.
Preventive Steps
Shoe choice will be the biggest factor in how your feet will cope with the strain of walking several miles on concrete all day. For starters, don’t wear a brand new pair of shoes to Disney World. Make sure that you have worn your new shoes for a couple of weeks and walked a considerable distance in them. Disney World is not the place to break in a new pair of sneakers or chaco’s.
Second, don’t wear the same shoes two days in a row. You should have two pairs of good (broken in) walking shoes that have adequate support and a pair of flip flops for strolling to the pool or filling a bucket of ice.
I’m a native Floridian, so I prefer sandals to sneakers. Your sandals need adequate support and- preferably- an ankle strap. I live in my Birkenstock Yara Sandals and Sanuk Yoga Sling
for most of the year, and they are great for a day at Disney. Also, if you are wearing sandals, make sure to apply sunscreen to your feet to prevent a sunburn (and skin cancer).
After packing the right shoes, Aquaphor is the next step of my Disney foot care plan. Pack a pair of socks for every night of your Disney vacation. Apply a generous amount of Aquaphor to your feet, put on a pair of socks, and go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, your feet will be noticeably softer. Aquaphor also helps with cracked heels, so your feet will be sandal ready
Aquaphor is basically Vaseline with mineral oil. Vaseline is 100% petroleum jelly. It creates a barrier on your skin, so the natural moisture from your body rehydrates your dried out skin instead of evaporating. Aquaphor is 41% petroleum jelly with mineral oil and a few other ingredients. Aquaphor creates the same barrier to keep moisture from escaping, but the added mineral oil also helps rehydrate your skin. I personally believe Aquaphor is the better product, but it is more expensive than Vaseline.
After your trip, you will probably have plenty of leftover Aquaphor. Aquaphor has several uses. I carry a lip balm container of Aquaphor in my purse for chapped lips. Check out Cosmo’s article on 20 Unexpected Uses for Aquaphor.
Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder
Blisters form from an irritating combination of moisture and friction. Cotton socks retain foot sweat and create an ideal situation for blisters to form, so, in addition to using Gold Bond, you may want to invest in some synthetic socks and avoid old-fashioned cotton.
If you are wearing sneakers for your day at the park, I recommend putting Gold Bond medicated body powder in your socks at the beginning of the day. Gold Bond helps absorb the moisture from your skin, help keep your feet cool, and prevent blisters from forming.
Gold Bond can be used in any closed toe shoes. I don’t recommend ballet flats for a day at Disney, but, if you prefer fashion over comfort, make sure to sprinkle some powder into your shoes.
In-Park Interventions
Band-Aid Friction Blister Block
This little blessing is in my purse at all times, and I cannot tell you how many times I have used it. Band-Aid Friction Block is packaged as a mini-deodorant stick and is used on an as-needed basis throughout the day. As soon as you feel your shoes rubbing a particular spot on your foot, apply the friction block to that spot to prevent further damage to your foot. It is the priciest item on my list, but it lasts a long time. After 18 months, I’m still using my first stick, and I have completed three weekend trips to Disney, a week at Universal Studios, two month backpacking through Europe, and broken in three pairs of shoes with this miracle product.
Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder
After 10+ hours in the park, you may need to add a little bit more powder to your closed toed shoes. I keep a travel size bottle in my purse to reapply as needed and continue to enjoy Magic Kingdom. As kids start complaining about their feet hurting, Gold Bond’s cooling effect can help them make it through a little bit longer in the day.
Band-Aid Blister Cushions
Band-aid brand are foot savers for Disney. If you feel a blister starting to form and the friction block is not enough, place a blister bandage over the spot to prevent further damage.
Emergency Care
Even if you follow all my steps, a day at Disney can still wear you out. Like I said earlier, you can walk anywhere from several miles a day at Disney World. If you aren’t used to that kind of walking, your feet may be exhausted at the end of the day. All the Disney hotels have ice machines available. Make an ice bag, wrap it in a towel, and prop your feet up. The ice and elevation will help reduce swelling. Don’t forget to re-apply Aquaphor!
Band-Aid Blister Cushions
If blisters have formed, start the next day wearing the blister band-aids on your feet. These bandages will give you a little bit of extra cushion and help prevent further damage.
That’s it! I know it can seem like a lot of steps, but, for me, it’s worth it. Since starting my Disney foot care regimen, I have not had any major foot problems during any of my Disney vacations! Check out my Amazon store for a complete shopping list.
Do you have any foot care tips? Let me know in the comments!
(This post does contain affiliate links. See our disclosure page for more information.)
Great advice for any time you’ll be spending extended time on your feet. Thanks!
Glad you found the article helpful!
Very clever! Great tips for anyone on their feet for extended periods! I could have used this when I was pulling 14hr shifts in a hospital, oh those tile floors!!
I’d love to go back to Disney and could definitely use this stuff to pamper my feet while walking around.
Glad you found this post helpful.
Thanks for stopping by!
Great post! many people have no idea just how much walking they’ll actually be doing at Disney World! Taking care of your feet is important so that a problem doesn’t spoil your trip!
Absolutely! Your feet take the brunt of any trip, so taking care of them is essential.
Great tips! It’s so hard to enjoy your day when you’re feet are hurting,
Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by!
Great tips!
One Awesome Momma
I always forget the comfortable shoe part!
Starting out with the right shoe is SO important!
Thanks for the tips
YES! Thank you SO much for this post. I’ll be visting for the first time in July and I will need all of this amazing info. Pinning!
La Belle Sirene
Can we be serious for a moment… My last trip to Disney, I swear to the Lord above I thought I would not be able to walk the next day! I would wake up at 2am to go to the bathroom and every single step I kept telling myself.. Only a few more steps to the bathroom! Footcare at Disney is so needed.
I have limped from the monorail tiny hotel room after a day of Park hopping. I have to take care of my feet at Disney! Hope you can avoid that awful aching during your next trip!
I’m a native Floridian like you, with many Disney trips under my belt. It’s funny that my friends have made fun of my “foot plan” in the past, but I no longer get blisters. My toes kinda bend under, so I need to put blister bandaids on certain toes before even leaving the hotel room. Also, if your feet REALLY hurt, soaking in Epsom salts helps. Sometimes I also apply Icy Hot on my feet before bed and slip socks on. The cooling sensation feels sooo good.
The icy hot tip is a great one!
Amen to the Epsom Salts and the icy hot! You can buy Epsom salts made with peppermint and eucalyptus, and I soak my feet in that every single night. If the pain is too bad, I dip some hotel hand towels into the Epsom salt and water mixture, and then wrap my feet in them. While I sit before bed. If your hotel has a mini fridge, it almost always has a tiny freezer shelf. You can dip the towels in water or (even better) in Epsom salt water, and then freeze them before you leave for the day to the park. When you get back…you can wrap your feet in frozen towels that help with the inflammation and swelling!
Hurty feet and backs at Disney are no joke!!!! I loved your post and we are going to Disneyworld for the first time in a month, and I’ll be using your tactics too! ❤️
Awesome tips! I recommend going to a higher end running store and being professionally fit in good shoes.
I’m also a fan of mole skin. Have you tried it? It can be a life saver.
Hope you’re going back to Disney soon!
That’s is a great tip! I love mole skin as well, and it’s a great help! Thanks for stopping by!
These are great tips! One more I’ve had good results in preventing blisters is to use Body Glide (similar ro the Bandaid friction stick, but larger). I apply Body Glide to problem prone areas before putting on sandals/shoes for the day. Peppermint lotion at the end of the day is soothing as well. But agree your most important tip is good sandals or shoes that work best for your feet.
Totally agree about addressing blister-prone areas. I recently just tried Body Glide and had great results with it as well. Thanks for sharing!