Disclosure Policy
In 2009, the Federal Trade Commission updated their guidelines for endorsing products and the use of testimonials to protect consumers from being influenced by misleading or false advertisements. This blog may include endorsements and/or testimonials. In an effort to be totally upfront with our readers, we want to disclose the following:
- Some of the content on this blog may promote products, services, and/or other businesses.
- However, we will only endorse or promote products/services/businesses that we have personally used.
- If we write a sponsored-post, our reviews will be honest, and we will include a disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
- While I enjoy writing, it takes a lot of time and effort. If I can earn an income doing what I love, all the better. Please understand that this blog is an avenue of income for me.
- Finally, my mother taught me that “Trust is one of the only things you cannot buy.” If we give positive reviews for poor quality products, I firmly believe our viewers will not trust us for very long. Some things money can’t buy. When we review products, we will provide the pros and cons of the product so our readers can make informed decisions.
Comment Policy
Unseen Footprints accepts and appreciates the viewpoints from all of our readers. I don’t have a “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” policy. However, I am asking that you be respectful to our writers and readers. If any comments contain cursing, insults, or extremely negative content; an admin of Unseen Footprints will delete the comment.
Privacy Policy
Unseen Footprints does not share any personal information with third parties. In addition, we do not store any information about our readers’ visit other than tracking our readers experience through the use of cookies. Our readers can disband the use of cookies in their personal browser settings.
However, we do use third party advertisers who may use information from this visit (not name, email, etc.) to develop personalized ads to view on other websites. It’s how all those Facebook ads seem to be bizarrely personalized for you. If you want more information on this practice, please visit http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp
Finally, our privacy policy may change at any time without notice (Last update: August 15, 2016). If you have any other questions feel free to contact us at unseenfootprints@gmail.com with questions or concerns.