Being mindful of my budget, I will be checking out a few these at my local library, but they’re all available on Amazon.(This post does contain affiliate links to support this blog. Please see our disclosure page for more information!)
School Counselor Mindfulness Booklist:
Mindfulness Skills for Kids & Teens: This book may be my foundational resource for my therapeutic work. It’s billed as a comprehensive guide for teaching mindfulness with activities, worksheets, journals, and methods to track progress. If you’ve read my post on Simon says Yoga, you know that I love working with kids on developing mindfulness. Really excited about adding this resource to my personal library!
10 Days to a Less Distracted Child: Specific strategies for working with children with ADHD.
Smart but Scattered: Focuses strategies for helping kids develop focus and stay on-task.
Mindfulness Activities
After informing myself on an issue, I like to have activities to help illustrate abstract concepts for children.
Other Issues
Along with focusing on mindfulness, I want to research some of the issues that I’ve come across while working with individual kids. Issues that I’ve dealt with last year included immigration, poverty, and sexual trauma, and behavioral issues.
Immigration: Third Culture Kids- If you working with immigrant children, this is an informative resource on some of the challenges that third culture kids face when they are living in a different culture than their passport.
Poverty: Teaching With Poverty in Mind– Poverty has such an impact on development and is a systematic problem that presents numerous challenges for school and communities.
Trauma:Cory Helps Kids Cope with Sexual Abuse
Typically, if I have a client with a history of sexual abuse, I would refer them to another counselor for individual counseling outside of school. However, I do believe it’s important to be informed on working with children with sexual trauma and want to check out this resource.
Children’s Resources for sexual trauma: Please Tell: A Child’s Story About Sexual Abuse and A Terrible Thing Happened
are books that will help children who have experienced sexual abuse in a story format. I’ve separated these books from my other children’s books because you may want to keep these books separated from your general library.
Behavioral Issues
Dr. Greene has several books on working with or parenting children with behavioral issues. I definitely plan on checking out The Explosive Child
and Lost at School by Ross Greene
this summer!

Children’s Library
I love using stories in therapy and am always looking for new books to add to my library. (I have a list of stories dealing with anxiety in this post!) These books are eclectic and cover different issues, including two that align with my theme of mindfulness.
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