I once had a friend tell me “I could be a Vegetarian if you cooked for me every
day.” For the last 5+ years, I have followed a vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian diet. I’m not a “save the animals” person. I love meat, and pulled pork still makes my mouth water. In 2011, a friend asked me to participate in a spiritual fast called the Daniel Fast for 40 days. Afterwards, I just felt better…healthier. As a vegan, I wasn’t able to get enough protein and ended up feeling very lethargic. After nine months of a vegan lifestyle, I became a pescatarian in order to eat fish as a protein source. In this post, I have compiled my favorite vegetarian Pinterest recipes with some pictures. I’ve included the links to all the original authors.
Common Comments from Carnivores:
For any readers who are thinking “I don’t do tofu,” I hate tofu, and none of the recipes included have tofu as an ingredient.
- “Veggie burgers do not taste like meat!” You’re right! Besides the meatloaf and bean balls recipes, these recipes are not intended to taste like meat. I don’t think the meatloaf and bean balls taste like meat, but I love the savory flavors. Once, I made vegetarian chicken wings made from cauliflower. It was essentially cauliflower- breaded and fried- with buffalo sauce, and I was so disappointed. Since then, I avoid recipes that claim to “taste just like meat.” Vegetables are flavorful, and I believe in eating all the colors of the rainbow.
- “I like meat” is the most common comment I get from meat eaters. It was my response the first time a good friend tried to get me to switch to the vegetarian side. Again, I have nothing against carnivores, but-as a society- we eat a LOT of meat. Paul McCartney, a long time vegetarian, advocates for going meatless one day a week. The benefits of a plant-based diet have been well document. Side note: watch Plant Pure Nation and/or Forks Over Knives on Netflix for more information on the benefits of a plant-based diet.
Vegetarian Recipes
Connie’s Zucchini “Crab” Cakes
The first time I made this dish my roommate’s response was: “this is the best thing I have ever eaten!” I have made it for my family and for parties, and I never leftovers. I do add a cup of cheddar cheese to the recipe.
Mexican Quinoa
For a single person, this makes a lot of food, so I am usually eating leftovers for days. However, it is one of my favorite meals. It is so quick and easy because you can dump everything into the pot and cook for 20 minutes. This is a protein heavy meal for me. When it is finished cooking,I usually add a can (or two) of Bumblebee’s chipotle tuna and a can of vegetarian refried beans. My family loves this dish. Although, my sister likes to have a grilled chicken breast placed on top of hers.
Cabbage Casserole
Okay. This isn’t technically a vegetarian recipe. It calls for ground turkey, but I just don’t add it. For this recipe, I pre-cook brown rice in my rice cooker before adding it to the dish. My youngest sister was skeptical about eating chopped cabbage in a recipe dish, but she liked this recipe as well.
This recipe is the closest “meat tasting” dish I have ever made. I get the Quorn “beef crumbles” to make this dish. This and the bean balls recipe are my “comfort food” dishes. They aren’t the healthiest because I pair them with mashed potatoes/cauliflower. (Nutrition tip: When I want mashed potatoes, I mash 2-3 potatoes with a head of cauliflower. It cuts down the calories drastically.)
Vegetarian Meatball Subs
Pretty much using the same ingredients as the meatloaf just roll it into meatballs instead of a loaf. My mom is a big fan of this recipe, even as a carnivore.
Swedish Bean Balls
Again, this a heavy, savory dish. It does take a while to make, which is probably a good thing. I put everything into my food processor to mix before forming the balls. I reduce the amount of lemon juice to just a teaspoon. To me, bean balls do not taste like meat balls, but they are still delicious.
Lentil Soup with Matzo Balls
I love this chunky soup with lots of veggies and matzo balls. You can throw all the ingredients (except the matzo balls) into the crock pot and let it cook all day. Add the Matzo balls for the last hour and presto-it’s done!
Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Alfredo
Feel free to omit the shrimp if you want. This recipe gives you some cheesy goodness without the carbs from pasta. Spaghetti squash is great for reducing pasts from your diet and is so good!
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
No link here, because this is so simple. I love roasting all different kinds of vegetables, but Brussel Sprouts are my favorite. Set the oven to 400 degrees. Toss Brussel sprouts in olive oil and a dash of sea salt, pepper, and cumin. Put in the oven for 40 minutes and turn them about every 10-15 minutes. I like my Brussel sprouts completely black on the outside and soft on the inside, like a roasted marshmallow. My mom cuts the Brussel sprouts in half and cooks them for about 25-30 minutes with a just a little roasting until the sprouts are tender.
Have any other great vegetarian recipes? Please share in the comments! Don’t forget to pin!
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